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Governance Charter

A Protocol for Scaling Loving Kindness

Collaborative Governance Framework

Collective Current-See



It seems to be a fundamental truth that what we call “Love” is actually the underlying field that holds space for the evolution of the Universe to happen. Therefore, Love shows up in all aspects of our reality where there is the ability for evolution to occur. When we Love something, we set it free— we hold space for its own natural, self-determined evolution. Control, on the other hand, is resistance to the natural flow of evolution. Control is when we attempt to mold evolution with our will. It seems that a dichotomy between Love and Control exists at all levels of conscious experience.

Table of Contents

Love vs. Control: In the Psycho-Spiritual Realm

It seems there may be a core underlying truth that all religions and spiritual traditions seem to have in common. According to The Samadhi Center:

Samadhi is an ancient Sanskrit word which points toward the mystical or transcendent union that is at the root of all spirituality and self-inquiry. The saints, sages and awakened beings throughout history have all learned the wisdom of self-surrender.

According to these teachings, in our spiritual lives, we Love ourselves (set ourselves free to evolve) the most when we stop our minds from constantly attempting to define and categorize its inputs and confabulations. But since our minds are meaning-making machines, when things happen, our minds insist on understanding why. This is a good thing. Our survival depends on this ability. But somewhere along the way in our human cultural development, it seems we have gotten in the habit of putting far too much energy into this task.

When the mind gets involved in spirituality, and when we experience synchronicity or feel as if we have witnessed something beyond our mind’s ability to understand, we often fall into the traps of attempting to Control those experiences by letting the mind manufacture meaning.

Sometimes we invent Gods or angels. Sometimes we invent stories of our own importance or metaphysical capacities. It’s not that these stories are necessarily untrue. The problem is that when we are “in our head” and allow our mind to Control our experience by means of defining it, we inadvertently pull ourselves away from our most natural evolutionary path— you know, that most natural evolutionary path of the Universe itself? This is the opposite of Love.

Love vs. Control: In the Emotional Realm

Similarly, these teachings of self-surrender lead us to consider how sometimes when we feel a strong emotion, we have a tendency to desire greater Control of our lives. In doing so, we attempt to create more or less of the experience that our mind calculates led us to feeling that emotion. So again, then, we set ourselves free (Love ourselves the most) when instead, we simply allow ourselves to experience emotions as they arise, and tap into our higher awareness that is a witness to those emotions, rather than staying more in our monkey brain that is in reaction to the events that led to them.